Capabilities in Lead Shielding and other Lead Products
Nuclead has extensive experience and expertise in a wide range of lead products, lead sub-assemblies and manufacturing techniques.
On this page you will find links to articles that describe the range of some of Nuclead’s experience and some of the products and services that are available.
In the first section we describe Nuclead’s Radiation shielding experience and products and then below that we offer a section of articles on specific Nuclead engineering capabilities.
Click on an image or “read more” button below for the complete article.
Click this link to download a copy of Nuclead’s Capabilities brochure
For a complete listing of products and services available on this site, go to the products and services index page

Radiation Shielding - three articles about Nuclead's radiation shielding experience
Standard Lead Shielding Products

Standard Radiation shielding products. Today there are many applications that require radiation shielding to protect workers and members of the ...
Radiation Shielding Warehouse Inventory

The Radiation shielding products in our warehouse inventory. Many situations require radiation shielding; including dentist offices, X-ray rooms and other ...
Custom Lead Shielding Products

The Custom lead Shielding Products for Radiation Shielding Applications. Often a specific radiation shielding application will require that standard lead ...
Articles About Specific Capabilities
Lead Shielding for CAT scan machines

The Manufacture of this critical radiation shielding component involves several important steps. Introduction CAT (computer axial tomography) scan machines are ...
Lead Shielding Subassemblies for Backscatter X-ray Machines

The manufacture of Lead sub-assemblies requires multiple lead manufacturing skills Backscatter X-Rays In a medical setting X-rays are traditionally used ...
Manufacture of Nuclear Casks

Nuclear casks are heavily lead shielded containers used to store and or ship radioactive materials. Such as spent nuclear fuel ...
Manufacture of Lead Radiation Bricks

The Manufacture of Lead Radiation Bricks their Uses and Nuclead’s Extensive Experience Lead bricks are mainly used for radiation shielding ...
Nuclead capabilities in Lead Weights, Lead Ballast, and Counterweights.

Lead weights are ubiquitous objects. There are, however many good reasons why lead metal is used where large weights are ...
Lead Soundproofing for Noise Reduction

The Use of Lead Sheet for Soundproofing. Introduction Soundproofing describes a number of different methods of reducing the volume level ...
Nuclead – Surface Finishing Capabilities

The importance of surface finish in components for the aerospace and medical industries. Introduction In the aerospace and medical fields ...