In Stock Lead for Sale in bulk quantities
Nuclead has a large in-stock inventory of lead products available for radiation shielding applications including lead bricks and lead sheets, also lead bullet metal, lead alloys, lead weights, lead flashing and lead bar stock.
Large inventory of lead bricks, lead shielding lead alloys, lead weights, custom lead products & metal services. Commercial, industrial & other custom applications, in-stock for bulk delivery now.
Custom Lead Services
Custom and precision lead machining, lamination and assembly for applications such as X-ray machine shielding, also custom lead mold fabrication. See custom lead services section for more information.
Custom Metal Services
Custom and precision metals machining and assembly of aluminum, beryllium, copper, tungsten, stainless steel, invar and other common or exotic specialty metals is offered through our custom metal services page.
Check out our video
From lead weights to complex radiation shielding, manufactured and assembled
Manufacturing Capabilities
Nuclead has extensive experience and expertise in a wide range of lead products, lead sub-assemblies and manufacturing techniques. Click the button below for articles that describe the range of some of Nuclead’s experience and some of the products and services that are available.,
NEWS Press releases and other items of interest
Investor Sergio A. Rojas Araya Acquires Nuclead, Pioneering Precision Lead Manufacturer, Signaling Growth in High-Tech Markets
precision lead and non-ferrous metal component manufacturing, ... Read More >
Nuclead Announces recent shipment of lead products for multiple marinas in the Northeast.
Nuclead Announces recent shipment of lead products for multiple restoration projects in USA and Canada
Nuclead Announces the recent shipment of orders of Lead Glass to customers in the USA.
Nuclead Announces the shipment of orders of Antimony Lead and other Lead Alloys
Orders & Shipments Activity Blog

Our Latest Custom Lead Manufacturing Achievements: High-Quality Solutions Across Industries

New Lead Product Line Expands Capabilities for Diverse Industries